Retail Pharmacies

Frame Health's approach to adherence enables RETAIL PHARMACIES TO...
Measurably increase prescription persistence

Increase revenue from back- and front-of-store sales

Boost patient-customer loyalty and retention​

Enhance your role as a trusted provider of care

Your Problem:
Untapped opportunities to drive greater revenue.

Retail pharmacies may have visibility of their patient-customers’ buying habits, but lack insights into what drives decision-making. By better understanding the intrinsic needs and motivations of patient-customers, retail pharmacies can increase revenue across front and back of store.

The Frame Health Solution:
Drive persistence through a tailored experience.

Our patient-customer segmentation reveals the unseen drivers of decision-making to help you increase prescription persistence. We then deliver targeted messaging that drives greater revenue from both the pharmacy and front of store while enhancing your patient-customer experience. This is the key to evolving your role beyond medication retailer to trusted provider of care.

Ready to motivate your patient-customers to refill on time?